Advanced Safety Assessment Methodologies: Extended PSA
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Welcome to ASAMPSA_E 

The Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan resulted from the combination of two correlated extreme external events (earthquake and tsunami). The consequences, in particular flooding, went beyond what was considered in the initial NPP design.

Such situations can be identified using probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) methodology that complements the deterministic approach for beyond design accidents. If the results of a PSA conclude that such a low probability event can lead to extreme consequences,  industry (system suppliers and utilities) or Safety Authorities may take appropriate decisions to reinforce the defence-in-depth of the plant.

The project ASAMPSA_E aims at promoting good practices for the identification of such situations with the help of PSAs and for the definition of appropriate criteria for decision-making in the European context. It offers a new framework to discuss, at a technical level, how “extended PSA” can be developed efficiently and be used to verify if the robustness of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) in their environment is sufficient.

The project gathers experts from 28 organisations in 18 European countries and is open for collaboration with organisations that have a broad experience in the field.

Project highlight

In all European countries PSA methodology is used to confirm and enhance the safety of NPPs  in complement to the deterministic approach. The role and importance of PSA is defined and emphasised in many national and international safety standards.

Find out more on the European context of the project and on the needs for ASAMPSA_E, including what should be harmonised after the Fukushima accident.

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The previous ASAMPSA2, project ended in December 2012. Activities allowed the development of European best practice guidelines for L2 PSA.

Visit the project’s website for more information and access the published guidelines.

 ASAMPSA2 website

Latest News

19 April 2017 Final ASAMPSA_E reports

The ASAMPSA_E reports, as submitted to the European Commission, are now available on the ASAMPSA_E website.

More information and access reports >

31 December 2016 Final ASAMPSA_E reports are being approved

The ASAMPSA_E reports will be available on the ASAMPSA_E website until 15 February 2017. Last comments can be sent before 10 February 2017 to the ASAMPSA_E coordinator at

More information and access reports >

2-7 October 2016 ASAMPSA_E contribution to the PSAM 13 in Seoul (Korea)

 ASAMPSA_E summary (PDF – click to download): at a special session SS 3 on External Hazards PSA.

A-150 How to Introduce Hazards in Level 1 PSA and All Possibilities of Events Combination. Examples of Learnings from the European ASAMPSA_E Project Manorma KUMAR (LR) Joakim KLUG (LR), Emmanuel RAIMOND (IRSN), Jan PROCHASKA (VUJE)

A-151 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Shutdown States of Reactors, Spent Fuel Pool and Recent R&D Results Manorma KUMAR (LR) Anders OLSSON (LR), Horst LOEFFLER (GRS), Emmanuel RAIMOND (IRSN)

12-14 September 2016 ASAMPSA End-Users Workshop

Hosted by the Vienna University, the workshop has gathered more than 60 participants from the 30 following organisations : AMEC, AREVA, AREXIS, BEL V, CRIEPI-NRRC, EDF (France and UK), ENEA, ENSI, GRS, HAVSBRUS CONS. AB, IAEA, IEC, INRNE, IRSN, JANSI, JSI, KAERI, KEPCO, KHNP, KINS, Kozloduy NPP, LEI, Lloyd’s Register, NCBJ, NIERING, NRG, NUBIKI, RATEN ICN, RSE, SSTC, TRACTEBEL ENGIE,TUS, UNIVIE, US NRC, VUJE, WESTINGHOUSE.

All ASAMPSA_E guidance reports have been discussed and proposals for improvements have been formulated.  This was also an opportunity to discuss further needs related to extended PSA methodologies.

20 July 2016 First versions of all guidance reports of ASAMPSA_E now available

The peer review of these reports is ongoing and results will be discussed during the coming ASAMPSA_E workshop from 12 to 14 September 2016.

More information and access reports >

 20 May 2016 Announcement: ASAMPSA_E 2nd end-users workshop

The second ASAMPSA_E workshop on “Reviewing and discussing the ASAMPSA_E guidance reports for the development and use of extended PSA for NPPs” will be held from 12-14 September 2016. The workshop is hosted by the Vienna University and its preparation is coordinated by IRSN (France) and ICN (Romania).

This event is open to the organisations that have expertise in PSA developments and applications (or in hazards assessment) and that contribute to the ongoing survey/review of the reports produced by the ASAMPSA_E group.

More information and access reports >

24 October 2014 ASAMPSA_E present at EGU 2015

The EGU General Assembly 2015 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The event will be held from 12 – 17 April 2015 in Vienna. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

The ASAMPSA_E project will co-convene two sessions during the event on:

  • The implementation of external hazards in Probabilistic Safety Assessment for nuclear power plants
  • Assessing extreme natural events for the safety of nuclear power plants

We invite the organisations that are involved with these topics to communicate on this.

Learn more on the event here >

23 October 2014 Presentation on the objectives and the progress of the ASAMPSA_E project now available

Download presentation here >

23 October 2014 Recommendations from first End-Users Workshop now available

A summary report of the recommendations resulting from the project’s first end users workshop organised in may is now available.

Download report here >

 All news

Events calendar

12-14 September 2016

Reviewing and discussing the ASAMPSA_E guidance reports for the development and use of extended PSA for NPPs

Location: Vienna University
More information and access reports >>

23-27 November 2015

Event: ASAMPSA_E technical meetings

Location: IRSN, Fontenay-aux-Roses


  • - Earthquake, flooding, extreme weather, lightning, biological infestation, man-made hazards, aircraft crash: event modelling and implementation in PSAs

  • - Risk metrics, PSA and DiD, screening methodologies

  • - Use of level 2 PSA for severe accident management optimisation

  • - Recent results of research for level 2 PSA.

 More events 

28 Partners

28 organisations in 18 European countries are partners in the ASAMPSA_E project.

3 additional associated partners are members of the External Experts Advisory Board (EEAB).

The project is open to collaboration with other organisations that have a broad experience in the field.

Take a look at all partners here.