Advanced Safety Assessment Methodologies: Extended PSA
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ASAMPSA_E 2nd end-users workshop

The second ASAMPSA_E workshop on “Reviewing and discussing the ASAMPSA_E guidance reports for the development and use of extended PSA for NPPs” will be held from 12-14 September 2016. The workshop is hosted by the Vienna University, Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology Althanstraße 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria and its preparation is coordinated by IRSN (France), ICN (Romania), JSI (Slovenia), TUS (Bulgaria), EDF (France), SSTC (Ukraine).

This event is open to the organisations that have expertise in PSA developments and applications (or in hazards assessment) and that contribute to the ongoing survey/review of the reports produced by the ASAMPSA_E group.


The list of reports submitted to the survey/review and those available for download are accessible below. Some reports are in a preliminary version and will be modified and improved in their final version.

For questions and to contact the project:



Reviewers are invited to review in priority the preliminary ASAMPSA_E reports for which they can propose additional improvements, based on their experience in the related field.

As the objective is to help finalise the technical reports, reviews are expected to provide improvements of the preliminary ASAMPSA_E reports in the form of:

  • complementary descriptions of good practices or approaches
  • additional references (publications)

For each technical issue, examples of successful already applied methodology would be of great interest.

In this process, simple comments with no proposal for improvement will not be considered and should be avoided.

The reviewers shall comply with the following steps:

  1. Download the preliminary ASAMPSA_E reports (word format) below
  2. Inform the project about the reports you will review (email address:
  3. During your review, make changes directly in the report (using track changes mode)
  4. Fill in the questionnaire below (only for the report you have reviewed)
  5. Send the reviewed report (track mode) and the questionnaire to the project (email address:


General issues for PSA


Selecting hazards for PSA


Developing PSA


Other reports (not submitted to the review)


ASAMPSA2 final guidelines