Advanced Safety Assessment Methodologies: Extended PSA
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The figure below presents the organisation of ASAMPSA_E projects.

Organisation of ASAMPSA_E
Organisation of ASAMPSA_E


This organisation gives project participants the opportunity to contact many end–users with no limitations in terms of number (no funding for end-users outside the project is asked to the Commission). Participants to WP21 & WP22, 30 and 40 are PSA specialists only or for WP21 experts for external events (seismologist, meteorologist …).

The organisation includes possibilities to ask services from other national experts working on external hazards assessment. A dedicated funding is reserved within ASAMPSA_E for possible subcontracts with these experts.


Events calendar

12-14 September 2016

Reviewing and discussing the ASAMPSA_E guidance reports for the development and use of extended PSA for NPPs

Location: Vienna University
More information and access reports >>

23-27 November 2015

Event: ASAMPSA_E technical meetings

Location: IRSN, Fontenay-aux-Roses


  • - Earthquake, flooding, extreme weather, lightning, biological infestation, man-made hazards, aircraft crash: event modelling and implementation in PSAs

  • - Risk metrics, PSA and DiD, screening methodologies

  • - Use of level 2 PSA for severe accident management optimisation

  • - Recent results of research for level 2 PSA.

 More events 

28 Partners

28 organisations in 18 European countries are partners in the ASAMPSA_E project.

3 additional associated partners are members of the External Experts Advisory Board (EEAB).

The project is open to collaboration with other organisations that have a broad experience in the field.

Take a look at all partners here.